Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013

Matchday -1, a first   attempt to improve the organization

My wake-up call at 6 just stopped as our local station, Radio Sunshine called me. It was an interesting interview early morning which will be broadcasted Wednesday June 19 in the morning. Having finished this call I got a next one from our main radio station, Radio SRF 3. This interview was on air on Tuesday evening, I hope some of U have heard it and can give me a feedback about it.

Shortly after 7am I put the TV on to get some more information about the protests in Brazil. And unfortunately it looked not so peaceful as I thought. A lot of violence, especially in Rio, was reported about, violence which almost looked like a civil war. Policemen which were attacked, heavily attacked, banks which were demolished, bad views really. As I heard there were protest today in Sao Paulo, Sao Goncalo (near Rio) and Belo Horizonte. Next Thursday, at 4pm, there will be a protest too in Recife. Wondering what’s going to happen here.

At 8am I walked from my place to the “Estacao da Prazeres”, a 35 minutes walk while the sun was shining with 26 degrees already. The way from the TIP Rodoviaria to the Arena was changed, finally it took me 2.5 hours all in all to get to the Arena.

I had some ideas on how we could improve the planning and the organization in our Media team. As I arrived at the Media Centre, I however could not really start working. No electricity! In a media centre. For quite some time! And the team-leaders which I needed to talk to only started to work in the afternoon. Sergio then helped me to work out my idea, and at 3:30pm I could discuss this with the responsibles. Plan is to have a better personal planning in place as of the next match-day, Wednesday June 19. After that we had an information from Brian, one of the FMO’s followed by the press conference and the training of the Sqaudra Azzura. After 15 minutes everybody had to leave the tribune again, same also was applied when the Japanese did their training at 8:30pm.

Especially with the activities within the SMC we still had quite some problems today. Quite a number of the volunteers does not really know what they have to do, the rooms were again totally messed up and nobody took the responsibility to clean them and put them in order, mistakes in completing forms did lead to it that several papers had to be remade. There is still a huge potential for improvement. For the match-day it is important to get the personnel for the specific venue activities organized and well working, like the Media Tribune, the Press Conference and the Mixed Zone. Let’s see how that works out on Wednesday.

In between I got faced with quite some friend requests out of Paraguay. Evers seems to be a well existing surname in Paraguay. I for sure will follow up whether there is any relation to our family. From 1 person I already got the feedback that their ancestors were from Germany. Could well be that we do have family in Paraguay!

At 9:30pm I wanted to go home. But it took me another 45 minutes to get several questions answered and things clarified. At 10:50 I arrived at the TIP Rodoviaria and left to Joana Bezerra. Upon arrival at that station they were closing. So no train back home anymore. I took a taxi back to my place for 40 real. Until now I did not find any taxi driver who speaks English. And it is interesting how they drive at the robots. When it is red they do no really stop. They horn and keep on driving. According to the answer I got they do it to not get robbed when they stop for a red light.

It was midnight again when I got home. Very tired as it was quite a hot day again, whereas we every time again had heavy rainfalls. In the meantime I know what rain is in Portuguese: Chuva. And sun = sol! When I come back here I must be able to speak Portuguese!

Und, bevor ich es vergesse. Ich möchte Jonas noch ganz ganz herzlich gratulieren zu seinem 1. Platz bei den DLRG Vereinsmeisterschaften. Ich bin stolz auf dich mein Kleiner! Super gemacht!!

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